Thursday, November 13, 2008

Six weeks

it is six weeks until Xmas day.... I am already tired, and I have to:
  • fall clean my house (snicker)
  • stain the fireplace and get the blower installed (it's really warm RIGHT NEXT to the fireplace, but it's a big room, the salesman thought maybe we'd be fine without it but we don't think so)
  • get my dishwasher bolted into the granite (they never did that when the new countertops were put in)
  • get my car inspected
  • clear out my porch (sniffle) and maybe tarp over the screen windows with dropcloths (is that worth it, or will they shred??)
  • replace my desk modem because it's crapping out too much lately
  • get new glasses (tricky, the place in the mall I go to is closed, if these glasses break I'm screwed)
  • finish the mural (see me, crazy?)
  • get MUCH more accomplished on the yearbook
  • help my daughter make tickets for the dance coming up at school
  • start planning the father daughter dance (book the dj)
  • work on the super raffle for the school (only $5000 this year, not $10,000)
  • go to basketball games and not kill the annoying bigmouth dad
  • have our tree trimming party (we do 2 trees so we invite friends and make cookies that day too and get pizza for dinner)
  • walk in the holiday parade (ha! I got those sticker heatingpad things that hunters use in their gloves and boots to keep warm. So, it will be a balmy evening!)
  • have the choir over to see the new addition and have appetizers, etc
  • do cards, gifts, etc which I can't afford!
  • plan a holiday meal for the day AFTER xmas (I told my family they just couldn't come on that day... long story but when you have a nurse and multiple inlaw's families to deal with it gets tricky)
No. Big. Deal. Right?


onescrappychick said...

I'm tired just thinking of all you have to do. I don't even want to think about what I still have to do.

Anonymous said...

Now imagine all of that PLUS having a christmas day DUE DATE. Godspeed to you.

Toren, formerly of Well Hells Bells

Carly said...

OH my gawd... my jaw is on the floor. Wow, Toren!!

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...