Sunday, March 11, 2007

Time Out

Shopping for an extra-tall 12 year old with big feet is VERY frustrating when all you can find is this:

This is so not happening for several reasons, one of which is "nothing around the ankle and you will tip over and fall out of these", one is "you can't be taller than me" and another is "your father will get mad at me if I buy you something so slutty".

So we got to have our first set of "why won't you buy me what I want to wear?" fights, complete with pouting, exasperated sighs, and stamping around the store. And that was just my behavior.

Couple that with wondering "what the hell time is it REALLY?" every time I glance at a clock, and it's already been a long day.

A day which started with a call from work about a DST related problem. Thank god for the internets, I can work from home. It turns out that the problem had nothing to do with the DST change, but try telling my client that. Hmmph.

Flave, do YOU know what time it is? I don't know what time it is... can someone tell me what time it is?


onescrappychick said...

It's 4:25 at my house... I hate the stupid time change.. hate it hate it hate it!!!

And umm.. we'e had some simmilar shoe fights already at my house too. Also we have fought over skirts, shorts and pants with words on the arse. (sigh). Why can't kids just dress like kids anymore?

Johnny Virgil said...

just to be clear, your daughter is the 12 year old, right?

Carly said...

I guess that's what I'm trying to figure out - eff you, Johnny!

Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

Love the Flave reference. What a pain in the ass daylight savings time must be for him. All those friggin clocks.

Sgt said...

That was some serious lift on those. On the plus side, you could tack notes to the cork board on the sides.

Things like:
"If your staring at my daughter, it had better be this note"

My oldest daughter is only 8, but we are already starting with the clothes wars. I told her, she can wear shirts/pants with words, but it is limited to:
1. The name of her school
2. Mickey Mouse
3. My daddy was a Marine Corps Scout Sniper.

Johnny Virgil said...

.308? Or 300 win mag? or dare I say: 50 cal?

Sgt said...

Nothings finer than dialing in with a M107. Except of course the fun big bang toys like mk-19.

John said...

by Client you mean the guy that pays you to have sex with him? right?

Steve said...

So out of all those pairs of shoes that women wear, you couldn't find one that fit your daughter? That's hard to believe.

Though I'm glad you put your foot down. Those platforms aren't shoes.

Carly said...

Steven, she's a different size (5) than I am (7.5)

and John, I am going to put my 7.5 boot up your ass for that remark.

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...