Monday, December 05, 2005

Fast track to January 6th please....

Am I the only person who wants to just skip Christmas? Poly has correctly ascertained that I just want it all to be over.

I'm talking about the part where I spend - spend - spend, and do extra work because I'll have a house full of relatives on the 25th.

Christmas Eve will be nice. We'll have a nice dinner for just the four of us, then go to candlelight mass (at 8 pm, not midnight, which makes some of the choir crazy, but I prefer it) where my kids will serve, and I will sing. THAT part I enjoy.

But for the rest of it all... can I just "pass" ??

This weekend I got nearly all of my shopping done. The downside is that because I was doing that all day Saturday, I was overloaded with chores all day Sunday. Wahhh, I know.... exciting stuff like washing sheets for the entire household along with five other loads of laundry and writing the bills, and discovering forgotten homework; the house was dirty and we needed groceries -- there were tasks everywhere shouting at me "I'm not done yet!!"

I finally quit at about 9:03 pm. ( I hate the nun storyline on DH, it's stupid; and don't even get me started on Gray's. That is so NOT what a NICU is like, for instance a NICU nurse is MUCH more involved in the care of a preemie. Gaaah!)

The GrinchCarly mood this morning wasn't helped by our cars basically being frozen. The driver's side door of the SUV wouldn't open. I got into the passenger side and climbed into the driver's seat to start it up. Yeehaw. I went back in the house and let it run for about 10 minutes. Sorry, Ozone layer.

When I was actually leaving for work the door was still frozen so I climbed in again, from the back to the front. (It was a lot more fun to climb into the back when I was 18.... )

Sheer stupidity caused me to grab the handle and nudge the driver side door open just to see if I could. THEN, when I pulled it shut, it laughed at me and bounced back open. I outwitted it by pulling the door closed and locking it.

But...I swear to you, I had the thought flit through my brain that if I fell out onto the highway for just ONE SECOND, my family wouldn't make me host Christmas dinner.

I'm starting Yoga today.


Anonymous said...

Too many mosquitos on the 4th, and it's your fault you live somewhere cold, seriously. As for the family - well, I had my cry in the shower holiday about four years ago and I said screw it and laid down the law. I cook for invited guests on the 24th, no more than four outside those living here, then on the 25th no one may come until afternoon when either cold cuts are laid out or someone else can cook. I also stopped buying for 99% of them.

Join me in making a better holiday through active bitchdom. There is no medal for doing it all. I focus on the kids and my bro and my spouse and everything else can hang. I used to be SuperHolidayWoman but my legs gave out. you don't hate the holiday, you hate being the holiday pack mule.

Carly said...

were your ears burning?

" a better holiday through active bitchdom " -- I like it!!

I've already abdicated the "card writer" throne; I don't do the trees either. (Well, some of you know my Tree Phobia anyway, I stay far away from those things now)

I'm seriously considering holding Christmas cookies hostage until I get some better participation and serious buttkissing from the people around my house. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Do it. Even better, tell them to get their aprons on and start mixing. we had a cookieless holiday once and by 'we' I mean not me because I bought myself some at the bakery.


John said...

If your family wants to enjoy the company of good friends and good food, it's only reasonable to expect the family to help you cook the food.

Why should your family enjoy the good things that come purely from your own labor? Lay down the law, like anonymous said.

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...