Monday, July 20, 2009


My friend APB has always been a go-to guy for PC help (he talked me through installing new memory into my dust chamber, um, desktop), and photography is a common interest that we share. Along with cheesecake. Mmmm, cheesecake.

APB has been very kind to me, especially since I got job eliminated. When my last day was approaching he brought me Starbucks goodness and more or less convinced me to take a road trip with my free time this summer.

But now I am rambling... at any rate he passed me a link to the Kelby photowalk and I was all excited and replied with something mature like "DUDE, we have to do this!" Then I lost my password at the last minute and couldn't remember the time the walk started, so he gave me that info too. See? A good friend to have in your contacts list.

My friend John captured this moment at the photo walk of
me, laughing at APB because I cracked him up with a "that's what she said" joke... ruining his concentration and all.... I'm known for being something of a distraction I think...

and then this one of me letting him take the picture he was actually trying to compose... (we were shooting the very old robin's egg blue Dodge pickup)

my friends put up with so much nonsense from me! You rock, Andy.

(and wow, John, this light made my hair look fabulous! thank you! )

PS: John? could you do something about my arms?? (they do NOT look this big in the mirror...woah... I'm off to do some pushups on the wii now...)

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