Saturday, December 09, 2006

Karma hath smiteth me

... NOW it's my kid.

but at least he barfed (repeatedly) in the comfort of our own home, without 500 witnesses. We have to take these victories where we find them.

I'm off to the washing machine... any takers on a bet that I will barf in the middle of my Important Gathering tonight? It would be almost poetic, huh? And messy and embarrassingly inopportune.

Stay tuned.

In the meantime, I suggest this game.


Johnny Virgil said...

I suggest you eat nothing but pea soup today.

Anonymous said...

oh uck... that's my worst nemesis.. I can handle ANYTHING else.. but barf.

Sgt said...

One word: "Gum"

Helps stop the gag reflex for those with 'weaker' constitutions.

John said...

I play that game on conference calls sometimes but it's not lines of a song it's anything somebody I'm sametiming with on the same call wants me to try to incorporate into the conversation. One time I think Sarah got me to say "ass cowboy."

Anonymous said...

your better than i am. i'm a sympathy vomiter. i would rather someone cut off an arm in front of me than vomit. this includes animals.

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...