Monday, June 27, 2005

I will die in a supermarket

... of that I am certain.

If you missed this this and this you won't get the full effect but here is today's chapter.

This is what I did:
  1. Go to market.
  2. Get stuff to fill cart while kids are generally whining and complaining (tired, sunburned, have to go to the bathroom, no I want this kind of juice, blah blah blah...)
  3. Drive home past bank sign which is so wrong it's a town joke, but sign says 100 degrees
  4. Walk inside, unlock door, etc.
  5. Decide since it's SO hot I'll take off my shoes, the ones that I always trip in when I'm walking at lunchtime, and put on flip flops
  6. Walk outside and start to empty trunk
  7. Pick up bag, which stupid stockboys have shoved full of stuff
  8. Fail to notice as bag rips
  9. Notice completly, when 22 oz can of spray starch crashes down onto my toe, (now NAKED, because I'm wearing flip flops) and the can of course hits justright and the rolled metal (thank God) edge on the very bottom of the can cuts said toe as it can inflict even MORE pain that way.
  10. Swear a-plenty. Cry some.
  11. Bandage toe which is bleeding profusely.
  12. Consider calling store to complain.
  13. Open Coors Light instead.



onescrappychick said...

and the moral of this story is.. you should've just stayed home with your feet up and had a cold beer.

here's praying this heat breaks soon

Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

Aww jeez! That smarts.
You need a pair of those steel-toed flip flops.

Alisa said...

Yikes. At least you found the best remedy for a situation like that.

Brian said...

Very funny until I read that you drink Coors light. Yuck. I second the steel toed flip flops.

Weary Hag said...

Okay, I'm only three posts down (making up for lost time here) and I can see that you need a mommy-vacation! You poor thing.

John said...

ah sweet sweet beer. cures everything

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...