Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It's easy, unless it's not

So, here is a brief apology to anyone who doesn't know how to encrypt their modem. I forget, being that I'm touching computers practially 24x7, that it's not always that easy. (I lucked out, and got a modem with good clear documentation written by someone with a good grasp of the English language) A friend of mine sent me a note saying "so how do I do mine?" and I have NO IDEA!!! I'm sorry, C !! (She was really nice about it).

Isn't it funny that in many marriages there is one person who is the total techie gadget geek and there is one who could care less about how many megapixels the camera is?? The thing about my parents is, Sue and I think that our father would love tooling around on the internet, but my mother refuses to pay for any sort of 'net connection and she thinks the internet is riddled with porn and has nothing good to offer. I guess today didn't help?? Ooopsie.

(So no, she doesn't read my blog.)


Johnny Virgil said...

are you talking about encrypting your wireless router? Because I'm not sure how to encrypt a modem.

Anonymous said...

modem schmodem...who invited the techno police? I knew what she meant...

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...