Tuesday, April 05, 2005

On the upswing

Well I was moping earlier, so I took the kids for a walk. We walked up the hill to a park a couple of blocks away. B was swinging and I thought, Oh, let me do this, it will be fun. I swang (?) swung (?) ....hmm.... I was on the swingset for a minute or two. Then I felt like crap. So, to make this clearer, obviously my heart did not like the high swinging and it was trying to have a bout of tachycardia, but the little zap I got last July was working as specified. I still felt queasy...I am a wuss. No more swings for Carly.

I scrambled around a bit to try to give the kids a decent dinner (grilled cheese and a side dish of mandarin oranges, best I could do) and went to the NICU to help with a scrapbooking workshop. I actually got a chance to go into the unit with the March of Dimes coordinator and shoot a roll of film for one family. Laurie was showing me some of the usual shots she does - tiny baby hand holding Mom's finger, Dad's big hand holding teeny tiny feet, etc. Laurie has the film developed and the family will get the pictures & negatives for free (it was a roll of 24 black & white.) I found out later the baby is having some stuff done tomorrow that could be very serious. It was humbling. My biggest problem today was a case of the crankies, and here they are wondering what tomorrow will bring. I go home every time being grateful that my babies were healthy.

Of course, I had no money in my wallet when I left so I couldn't get out of the parking garage. I had to put it in reverse, go park somewhere, go allllllllllllllll the way back in through the hospital to find an atm near the cafeteria. D'oh!


Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

you should stash a 5 or 10 in your car for emergencies, like when you need a shamrock shake and you've forgotten your wallet.

works for me....

David Tellez said...

That's really sweet, what you did with the March of Dimes. Do you know if most hospitals offer that, cuz I think I'd like to do something like that.

Carly said...

Well actually chap, the sequence was this:

no drugs - heart goes boom boom boom

some drugs - heart still goes boom boom

more drugs - heart goes boom

Big Zap - no more boom boom

no more drugs

but I agree, you have to be careful about what drugs you take.

Carly said...

David, call the biggest hospital in your area and see if they have a march of dimes program at their NICU

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...