Thursday, April 26, 2007

No punchbacks

So, my daughter picked up this "game". When you see a VW bug you punch the person next to you and say "punchbuggy, no punchback".

It's cute. The first two times. Then it gets downright annoying because:
  1. you don't think your baby is old enough to be sitting in the front seat anyway and where did all the time go and how the fuck are you going to pay for her to go to college?
  2. your arm starts to hurt because she hits the same exact spot every friggin' time
  3. there are a damn lot of bugs around
  4. those bugs are all bright, notice-me colors, so she never misses even one of them
  5. all she has to do is look for bugs in every driveway and side street and parking lot while I am, you know, actually CONTROLLING A TWO TON VEHICLE.

I get to the point where I say "NO MORE." I just can't take it.

I'm at the "NO MORE" point on a number of fronts. Last minute details for a baby shower and a school event I'm in charge of and I have the walk this weekend and I have to make a cake and do the bills and the laundry and he didn't bring home his spelling words again and she is crying because her braces hurt and I don't know what to make for dinner and gaaaaaaaaah.

And running does help if only to let me literally run away from the wretched, steaming pile of... todo's ...that is self-propagating on my desk. Frankly, I'm wearing my road id around, here and there, because it makes me feel good about myself, that I've taken up this running thing and I'm doing ok at it. (Or I carry it in my pocket of my jeans. Yeah, so I 'm about 3 years behind the whole "Live Strong" bracelet curve. :::shrug:::: )

But then I turn on the tv and I see things far away that make me so sad, and things that happen a little too close to home that make me even sadder, and make people I care about sad, and I start to think that the world is becoming full of maggots, and the decent people don't have a chance. And that makes me want to punch somebody sometimes.

No punchbacks. Please.

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...