Thursday, March 09, 2006

A Few Things

Things I didn't want to read this on the Grey's Anatomy writers blog....

  • (a recent post explaining that the cute bomb squad guy is really dead)
  • (any mention of George, Meredith, and the coupling of same)
  • and I quote: "McSteamy is indeed hot. And yes, there is the possibility for a return visit sometime - but the deal was this: he asked Addison to meet him at the bar and come home to NY with him. And Addison didn't show. So Mark went home to NY alone. Sad but true."

Damn!! First they kill off Hot Bomb Squad Guy, now this. But I need to read that blog sometimes to "get" a particular scene(what the writers were actually trying to do with it). Sooo.

Things I do every Lent:

  • say that I am giving up Coke and mess that up almost immediately. Although, I read recently that it's just about as bad for you as a cigarette. I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist of the article, and the association I hope to form in my mind to quit it once and for all. (I drink way too much of that stuff.)
  • forget that the kids need something new for Easter (gotta get outfits for the kids nowwww before they are all picked over - I am probably too late)
  • spend hours and hours rehearsing and singing; by Easter morning frankly I am almost sick of those particular songs
  • skip confession (shhhhhh.....)


Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

I have a serioous coke habit as well.

We're talking about the cola, right?

Carly said...

coke, yes, soda :::eyeroll:::

it's not the sugar Laurie, it's the caffeine...

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...