Wednesday, March 29, 2006

It's almost over

It's learning fair day! It's learning fair day! (Said in the tone of "the new phone book's here!" -- what movie was that from? It's driving me crazy.)

Normally I do not blog when I am trying to do silly things like get ready for work.

But when one is waiting for pictures of St. Michael's College to print, and one finds herself staring at the screen thinking "why did my kid wait until this morning to tell me the college women's basketball coach never wrote back to her, and she's the only one in her class who doesn't have something from a college in her state for her big white piece of posterboard?", well, one blogs. This one does, anyway.

The cookies are done, and delicious (we get to eat the "uglies" that didn't come out right). We have an outfit (you must dress as a famous person from your state. Do you realize how FEW famous people from Vermont there are? My daughter picked a pro golfer who "came out" a few years ago. I'm sure she's a wonderful woman. I fully support her right to BE who she is and admire her for trying to make the way easier for other people. But at the same time, I'm so glad my daughter didn't say "Mom, what does that mean?" because my daughter is "young" for her age and I don't think she's ready for that particular conversation yet.)

It could be worse. Daughter's best friend picked Oprah. Her father asked me how you dress up as Oprah when you are a little white Catholic school girl. I've got nothin'.

Oh, and the bug.

The bug is lovely. I'm sure you're all dying to see it. Here it is! Best part? I didn't have to do any of it. (Don't you love my kitchen floor? It looks clean. I'm keeping this picture forever.)

Later, kids!!


Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

I like your motorcyle. It's that time of year!

Sarah said...

All of this is reminding me of everything my mother did for my sister and me for our silly school projects. Reading it from this point of view, I feel like I should immediately go to her house and give her a huge hug for putting up with all of it! :)

Anonymous said...

It comes from the movie "The Jerk". I sing it every year when the new phone books arrive.


Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...