This one's for the girls, because boys, your eyes will just glaze over and stuff, unless you're metrosexual or something. Not that there's...
I got a letter today from the woman who cuts my hair. In essence, she has been at the new salon 2 years and it's time to raise her rates to match those of her coworkers.
At the place I used to go to (her previous employer), it cost about $60 for color & cut. I have been very very gray for about 15 years so I consider "color" as essential as brushing my teeth. Call me vain if you want, but there it is.
The same service at New Place is now going to cost me $88 plus tip. So, more or less it's 50% more! If I want highlights too, I would have to pony up $113 - this doesn't even figure in tip (ballpark $17-22) which brings me up to $130. Throw in some shampoo and hairspray so on, and I'm hitting $175.
Mr. Carly saw the letter and basically said "Uh, yeah... NO." Every five weeks? So not going to happen.
So I am shaving my head.
No, really. It's just that this woman has been cutting my hair for about 14 years. She is like the big sister I never had. She invited me to her kids' graduation parties, I have invited her to stuff.... she was one of the first people I told about my miscarriage, because she was one of the only ones who knew I was pregnant. She celebrated my subsequent successful pregnancies with me. We have talked about damn near everything over the past 14 years.
I was just telling someone recently that I never have the "Oh I got a bad haircut and I hate it" problems, because I know I can always trust her.
SO, how do I say "Um, yeah... no" to her????? I can go back to the old shop, since I know the owner, and actually I like the environment better there, but I feel like such a traitor. What a mess.
Random thoughts, which I post while I am pretending I am STILL age 39.99999! Join me for my next 40 years...
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OHHHH MY GOD! NO! SAY IT ISN'T SO! Actually, if you're really as good friends as you say you are, she should be willing to come to your house (or you go to hers) and do the root job. That way she spends like ten bucks on product and gets the rest of the money.
Johnny, what you don't get is (for starters):
1) I can't ask her to do that on her free time - you don't do that to someone in that industry, no matter how good a friend you are. Immediate family, maybe. I'm just not going to take advantage of my friend that way
2) she would need all sorts of supplies like smock, brushes, etc that she would have to buy
3) the coloring product comes by the case... of two or three separate ingredients that are mixed just before application... not individual portions. So, not $10
PS: why are we having this conversation? You're a boy. Get lost!!!
holy crap I would murder you if you were my wife and ever even contemplated spending 100 anything on a haircut. For that much she should not only be coming to your house but you should be getting the happy ending.
dude, where's the shame in saying "you rock, but I just can't afford you. smoochies, biotch."
Sure, she's gotta make rent, but you get to say what you think is a good amount to spend on your head. Even "Wow, I can't budget more than x, incudling tip. I will so miss you!"
Be honest! Maybe she's hearing it from others, maybe not. Maybe she'll have a solution, maybe not. Don't pussyfoot, get the cart out.
Wow. I just do my own. It cost me $4.50 for a box of Natural Instincts last night which I use when I feel the need to throw something on. And my hub cuts a straight line across my boring hair sometimes. I am so lame. Though I did get a "real" haircut last spring cause my friend talked me into seeing her stylist (or whatever they are called), but it set me back like $50 so I didn't go back. She keeps asking about me too. Argh.
Anyhoo... I feel cheap and ugly now now so I'll leave... boogers. :)
what I meant to say is you're so babelicious that you don't need to spend $170 on haircuts. You'd look good with a $5 haircut. That's what I meant to say. I was tired when I wrote that comment earlier.
Uh yeah, she's not a friend if she's running around charging you $150 per "incident". I'm sorry - there's the whole getting paid industry standard, but I seriously doubt that's what everyone pays. She's just gouging you at this point. And do you know how much free computer/internet advice I give out to my friends?? Unbelievable. Well, seriously good luck. I'd tell her, Hey I still love you, let me know if the rates go back to normal and I can afford to see you again, otherwise, we'll just be friends without the hair thing in common. -E
First off, you're doing HER the favor. She makes all the money, instead of having to give the salon half of it. You are definitely not taking advantage of her. Secondly, My wife owned a salon for 5 years. You don't have to buy the color by the case, and she still doesn't. I can (and have) walked into the beauty supply store with her id card and purchased a single tube of color and activator. (Yes, I know way too much about the industry.) Also, I defy you to show me one single hairdresser who does not have a cape, brushes and supplies at his or her house. Hell, come up to my house (or have anne over -- she'll do a cut and color for 50 bucks. She's good too!
i vote for coloring your hair yourself, getting a good cut and every blue moon treat yourself to highlights.
at least that's what i do :)
(like you know me from adam and give a flying rat what i think)
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