This is F-ckBert. I was really annoyed at someone yesterday and while I was on the phone, I doodled F-Bert on my Palm pilot. Actually I drew a middle finger and went from there...
See how his hair is giving you the bird, Person I Was Annoyed At? (Well, hopefully you are not reading this blog, because I don't think you know about it, but whatever....)
Don't send the guys in the white coats for me just yet....
Love him!
Good luck with the hair lady..I'd lay it down like it is. Maybe if she loses enough of her customers..she'll rethink her $$
The peace-sign t-shirt is a perfect contrast to the f-u haircut.
I admire him for his social consciousness and hate him for his attitude, both at once.
I didn't know I could download my doodles off my palm. Never know what you'll learn cruising blogs. Nice drawing btw. You should go to art school. :)
I must adopt that hair style.
Oh wait, I don't have hair. Oh well.
Still, you inspired me.
I might need to borrow F-Bert for a little while. Is he for lease?
That's not so much a peace sign as it is a Mercedes symbol.
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