Wednesday, August 24, 2005

FFF #4 (very late)

With apologies to Purgatorian, I got this idea stuck in my head and decided to write the story today anyway, even though I'm late. (He gives us a lead off sentence every Friday, but I was away all weekend.)


The day was hot but there was ice in the sink.

"Dammit!" he shouted. He picked up the remnants of the block of ice and could see where it had been hacked apart. The ice pick lay on the counter next to the sink. He picked it up and held it in his hand, imagining the pivotal scene from Psycho playing out in his own kitchen.

Scree, scree scree!

He dialed her cellphone number and cursed again when it dropped to her voicemail. After the beep he snapped, "Angela, call me. Now." He struggled to compose himself. "Honey, please, call me soon."

He dropped the phone on the counter and wondered where she had gone this time. What designer was running his platinum card through a machine that very moment?

He paced the kitchen, running his hands through his hair in frustration. When the phone rang, he snatched it up impatiently.

"Darling... you really ought to calm down" she purred in his ear. "We *Do* have a deal, you know. I won this week, fair and square."

"Keep it below a thousand, please" he muttered. "I don't want to get ahead of our winnings."

"It's called Win For Life, baby, for a reason! Maybe next week you'll do a better job of hiding my card."



Unknown said...

Clever. An outstand entry. On Monday: A+. On Wednesday: B-.

Carly said...

D is for diploma ;-)

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...