Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Please don't take me for granite

I have access to a wonderful deal on a granite countertop. Do I like this sample? I'm not sure. Apparently it could have much more rust in the piece I get, or very little. I'm not limited to this or nothing.... I am just indecisive when there are too many choices.

Just for clarity's sake....the cabinets on the bottom are 20 years old. Then ten years ago we remodeled the kitchen and added top ones which matched, so now we have to match THOSE. Endless loop, anyone? At any rate the bottom cabinets are beat and will be replaced with pretty much the same darn thing. (New knobs for everybody!!!!!! There's an offer you don't get everyday!!!!)

Peanut gallery? I think I'm going back to look at other colors Friday. Friend Who Likes HG TV suggests something darker, with a little black (??)


onescrappychick said...

I like the rust color... cuz it goes nice with your cabinets. Maybe a darker granite that's more rusty/redish/brown???

Anonymous said...

That's ugly. Do you like it, or do you like the price?

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...