Wednesday, March 25, 2009

People I will miss

At work there was an older man who worked in the cafeteria as a dishwasher. Whenever he saw me he would say "Goodmorning, my lady" in a way that seemed to show that he grew up in the south.

I don't know his name but I always was happy to exchange greetings with him. I said goodbye to JC, the grill cook who flirts with all the ladies and makes the guys wait forever for their food. Also to Shirley, who I got my tea from everymorning (with a straight face she would say "Fifteen dollars"). But I didn't get to wish the other gentleman godspeed.

I actually respect him far more than the senior manager who decided to inform us all in a group of our impending departure. Money does not make a man worthy.

Carly(via Blackberry)

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