Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mount bitchin'

OK, technically it's got another name, but we can't have my kid googling that name, and finding this page, now can we???? and just think about some hapless kid googling NEXT year for the learning fair. Yes, give up now, Tommy, you will never make a volcano as awesome as this one.

Of course, Tommy won't have Suzy, the ultimate Secret Weapon Aunt, to take him shopping, (another $30 at the craft store, dammit I hate the learning fair....) and talk him through hours of layering pieces of newspaper, covering it all with goopy plaster strips and shaping ridges, painting all those washed layers of color, and glueing teeeeeeny tiny rocks onto the whole thing. Sorry, kid.

It's good that this came out just exponentially awesome, because my kid forgot to hand in a couple of labs and he's got a "D" right now this quarter. But hey, "D" is for Diploma, right?

(The only thing more awesome than this project is that I didn't have to touch it at any point.)


Sgt said...

A fine volcano indeed, but will it erupt with *insert Dr Evil finger quotes* molten lava?

Carly said...

Oh but YES, my dear Sgt... (hey, how the heck have you been????)

anyway, it sure will, because there is a soda bottle in the middle of that bad boy. When we put baking soda and vinegar into that there soda bottle, "MOLTEN LAVA" will flow alllll over those lovely ridges. And the red glitter I'm going to sneak in there will make it PERRRRFECTO.

Sgt said...

Ahhh, I do love a woman who takes pride in her natural disasters.

(I've been quite well, thanks for asking)

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...