Thursday, January 13, 2005

Blogs are taking up too much of my time....

I decided I'm spending way too much time on blogs! I read mine, those of people I know, and the ones THEY have links to. I really have to stop posting at work before KB figures out and fires me.

From now on - once a day, after work. Which is...right now. So of course, I have writer's block, which is kind of funny because it's not like I HAVE to post every day or something!

I was thinking about what the point of this blog is, and it's pretty much been what I would say if I were having coffee with someone (No, wait, I gave up coffee a few posts ago, didn't I?). It started out with me thinking about how I'm going to be 40, and a "who am I" thing. So either I'm more relaxed now, or in a downward spiral to mediocrity (ha, ha).

It struck me today, that some people define themselves in terms of the negative events in their lives, ex "I'm divorced." That, in my opinion, shouldn't be one of the first 10 things you tell someone about yourself. It's in the past, so leave it there. Don't hold it up as "I've been disappointed in my past so I just want you to know, because my gut instinct is that you will probably disappoint me too, so don't think that anything good is going to happen between us." Nice healthy attitude, huh? It's even odder that some people have to proclaim that they're divorced, IE "I'm not a loser who never got married, I did get married, it just didn't work out." As though divorced is somehow a better kind of single than someone who never married. I just don't get it. I dated a guy once who started to bring up something, then said "Well, it's too soon to lay all of my baggage on you.. we can get to all of that some other time." Um, perhaps some OTHER time, or some alternate universe, buddy. Bye!

Another thing I don't understand is how some people don't see that they're the cause of their own problems. Take C.... my least favorite co-worker. He goofs off all day at work. Then when a project is due, he's all full of drama about how he's really under a deadline crunch and not getting the support he needs. Um, whenever I walk by your office you're looking at SI.COM .... think maybe you could try working on your projects when you get them??

Well, I have two hours to do something useful with my life before I have to make dinner. (I'm going to go surf for something even funnier than Erik's " Terror Alert" featuring Muppets. )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shamus: If I was divorced I would say "I'm widowed" because that would generate sympathy for me. If it ever came out that my ex was still alive I would say, "Well, she's dead to me" because it would be true.
I too am only going to post after work, unless I sense that my programming creativity could be assisted by delving into someone else's life for a few minutes. Then I would be working smarter, not harder.

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...