Monday, January 17, 2005


So did you watch SuperNanny?

Holy crap. There really is such a thing as a Living Devil. OK, that was harsh. It's someone's baby. Someone's spoiled rotten, running-wild spawn.

I would have been mortified if I were that Mom, being on national tv looking like SUCH an idiot. She had ABSOULTELY no spine and looked like she didn't have the faintest idea how much mileage she could get out of one really good spanking.

Ok, ok, you should't spank your kids. Much. My technique of "Make them fear you, just a little" seems to work for me.

I was just fascinated at the little Taz's antics. Racing through the market, running over her siblings (why was a tricycle even in the house???)....

Oh, and the Dad, he needs to raise his voice now and then and say "SIT DOWN, DAMMIT" and those little kids would quiver in their shoes. Instead they kicked him. KICKED HIM. He was a wuss though and admitted it halfway through the show. The tantrums, the screaming, oy vey.

My kids are getting cake & ice cream tomorrow. They're sooooooooooo good compared to the Jeans girls.


Erik with a K said...

Eewwww - you have to watch the much better, more well done original of this show - Nanny 911 on Fox. Debbie and I are hooked. Most of the time at the end you actually get a little weepy because they've turned out a heckuva lot better, and usually it's the parents fault they were out of control to begin with! That Supernanny crap is a cheap knockoff...

Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

Who can tell who knocked off who? FOX stole WifeSwap, ABC stole this Nanny show - isn't there enough human embarrassment to go around? I think so.
I just love how the Nannies are always of British extraction. Why don' they just come out and call them Mary Fucking Poppins?

Erik with a K said...

Supernanny = sucks
Fox = ripoff artists (usually, but the first is the first)
ABC = Sucker-ass suckas
NBC = No good sitcoms
CBS = good sitcoms, bad timing
UPN = Enterprise and nothing else
WB = Nothing apparently

Carly said...

Well I have to say the british guy singing "Johnnnnay" every time gets on my nerves. But yes, I do a Nanny with an English accent bit that practically makes my kids pee in their pants.

It's kind of like looking at xrays of weird things lodged in stupid people's bodies... you know it's wrong to look but you do anyway, KWIM?

Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

Actually, that's awesome. In my next life I want to be an x-ray technician. My favorite line is going to be, "So tell me again how you slipped and landed on this thing so that it ended up in THERE?"

Things will get better... right?

I distinctly remember a day in... maybe February?  I remember the moment, but not what day it was. I was sitting at work thinking about plan...